Monday, April 24, 2006

For E, et al.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

An interesting idea.

This has some vague connotations of the spy games that we were thinking up a couple of years ago. Now, with the explosion of massive multi-player online games, maybe we should look into that again. I've got some free time, although it seems that my skills are more in demand to the counties now (or they seem to have more money...)

Thanks to Sean for not thunking me for stupidity.

Friday, April 14, 2006

How to Synthesize Ferrofluids

Covering ground already trodden by V, but here is a neat, supposedly kids-safe method to create your own ferrofluid:

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Intergalactic Walken

For anyone who has ever wondered where Christopher Walken is from, this image should clear up how he arrived on our humble planet to spread his message of slightly erratic lunacy. ;]

Saturday, April 01, 2006

searching breeze rustles
the sound of the nightingale
over the light rain

a generous snap
to accompany
a good idea spoken

[As I was washing dishes I happened across a thought that seemed worthwhile enough to snap in tempo to, you know, the way the detectives do on Law & Order when one of them picks up an important lead and the other guy is like, 'snap!', then they cut to the next scene with that 'dun-dun!'. It occurred to me that there is no one I know who is more willing to snap at a good idea than M. Dementia, so this one goes out to him. ;]