Sunday, May 28, 2006

A lot shorter than "Cuckoobananas"

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

If you have some time to spare, check out this infinte photo mosaic. You'll need the Macromedia Shockwave plugin installed for it to work properly.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Slop buckets.

Evidently, the new craze in fast food is to throw all of the meal into one bucket and let you go at it like a hog. KFC just announced one, I don't remember the other one. What the hell! For instance, KFC's grand idea is to put mashed potatoes, chicken, corn, gravy, and cheese into a salad bowl. I'm fairly against eating fast food, but I've been known to nosh at rotty Ronnie's. I don't think I can anymore. While I was looking for the info on these abominations of culinary arts I found a bunch of sites decrying the treatment of animals that go into these mucilaginous muck vats. Not to mention the horror that is "Supersize Me". (Thank dog for Red Stripe commercials. They restore my faith in advertisers. I think I'll get some Red Stripe tomorrow. After I get a job.) Sorry to abuse the Blog with so many dumb-assed TV posts.

Viking: the Ultimate Obstacle Course Challenge

Friday, May 12, 2006


V had a good idea for podcasts: reviews of things. Another idea is to do a running commentary on a movie, a la MST 3K. I remember in Richmond getting to a good place and talking over the radio. We then listened to the tape and recorded the resultant. It was good stuff. Any how... Le chaim.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Beyond hacking.

The TV show "Beyond Tomorrow" had a segment on mobile phone bluetooth hacking.
See the synopsis.
The really cool part was that the hacker was using Debian! Yay Debian!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Three notes

1. OMFG is Tool's new album rocking my world.

2. The equipment for my MythTV set arrived yesterday in all its glorious new-computer-parts-ness. Assembly begins this weekend with a write-up to follow.

3. Geek rap from MC Plus+ on cryptology via BoingBoing: MP3 link.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Colbert at the White House Press Dinner with the second link being even scarier.